I feel like backing up some of my pasta.txt's
Probably outdated as fuck but I compiled the OP for those old VC threads after it came to PC.
>What are the differences between the PS3 and PC versions?
The PS3 version ran at 720p 30fps and the PC version runs at up to 5120x2880 144fps with improved rendering across the board thanks to good resolution scaling. It also has better water reflections, keyboard/mouse support, much faster loading/saving, and is also toaster approved for those with lower end laptops.
>Why bother with 5k resolution?
If you render your game at ultra high resolutions it looks a lot clearer and aliasing is greatly reduced. There are several ways to do this but the popular tool for it is called GeDoSaTo(Generic Downsample Tool), you can get it here
>My sound is weird, how do I fix it?
Open 'Sound' in control panel and in speaker advanced properties set to48000Hz, may help.
>Why does my game crashes when leaving HQ?
Your HDD fell asleep so fix the idle settings in your Control Panel Power Options.
>Are there underlying problems?
Frame rates over 30 and 60 make tank traversal increasingly challenging on inclines and over 30fps makes the game more challenging in that interception fire from tanks or shocktroopers does significantly more damage. Playing at 144hz makes the game Hard Mode so you may want to limit your frame rate to 30 in the harder missions.
>Can I skip the intros?
"Backup Opening.SFD and SegaLogo.SFD, then replace them with empty text files that are renamed Opening.SFD and SegaLogo.SFD respectively."
>Can I play in fullscreen windowed mode?
>Did it sell well?
>Does it have mods?
Yeah. There are regularly updated lists of them here